Well after waiting what seemed like months but was probably just a few weeks...we finally saw the movie Fireproof. It was an amazing movie and if you are married you should go watch it. Actually if you are breathing you should go watch it! I can honestly say though I go more from the sermon at church that morning than I did from the movie well spiritually that is. Don't get me wrong the movie was everything I hoped for but God really spoke to me during the message Sunday morning and softened my heart ALOT. I realized I really have got to turn from what I knew and learn God's way mostly b/c well its God's way duh but also b/c what I know...what I've seen doesn't work. It's never worked and unfortunately my mother has 2 divorces to prove it. Now let me clarify I'm not downing my mom I know she was not the faulty party in her broken marriages and I'm sorry if I made it sound like that. I'm just saying you know what you see and actions beat words anyday of the week. You can teach your children with your mouth but they are going to do what they see. I don't want my kids growing up to be needy of anything. I want them to be "healthy" well balanced children. I also learned giving my husband respect will not lessen me or what I do in turn it will actually strengthen me. My husband works really hard to support this family and studies really hard in school to make our life better and I am really proud of him. He has a full plate and doesn't complain as much as one might think. He also maintains a pretty high GPA in the process. I am so thankful to God for transforming his life. It amazes me how God works. I remember after Amelia passed away and Rick was so wonderful during it all thinking wow God thanks for showing me the Rick I knew was in there all along. Weeks later of course I was wondering where that guy went. The whole time God assuring me he was still in there. I felt like God was saying Hang on or your gonna miss the good part! I'm glad I held on b/c its starting to get good!
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