Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm still here

Wow I know I haven't posted in over a month but it really didn't feel like it. I don't know where this year is going so fast. Basketball really speeds things up around our house. Mostly because our life revolves around this sport. Bren is actually going to start playing in March and we are pretty excited to watch him. So much as happened since my last post I don't know where to start...we have had ice storms, baby showers, tournaments and oh yeah we purchased a vehicle. Like I said sooo much to talk about. We are also working on a Fireproof lesson with our small group and it's interesting to say the least. LOL We lost power and fleed to the in laws for a day or two but we got to see the grandbaby which was fun. Oh and I learned candlelight dinners are overrated. It's been an interesting and very busy month. I have learned alot and really enjoyed most of it. I feel like I've been running nonstop for a while now. I started a Beth Moore study It's Tough Being a Woman! and let me tell you It's TOUGH BEING A BUSY MOM DOING A BETH MOORE STUDY!!! I am actually going to finish this and go work on my homework.

Our church family has suffered two losses within a weeks time and although I feel it will make us stronger it's hit pretty hard. It was a nice change to celebrate the lives of two beautiful women knowing where they are. Ms Glenda and Ms Joan you will be greatly missed and forever remembered for the impact you had on Southside.

I almost forgot to mention my babygirl got "babatized" by Pastor Pat. He is a very special person to Adrienne and she picked him over everyone on staff actually even her dad but only b/c she had already asked Pastor Pat. They got close during our Kansas Mission Trip and built an unbreakable bond. He has a passion for basketball too. She has alot of respect for him. I am very proud of her.

I will try to blog sooner next time. I will post more pics later.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Thank you so much for acknowledging my momma on your blog. Joshua played an incredible game yesterday and I so wanted to call her.