Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Well Papa left this morning :( it was so good to have this time with him. I got to cook for him and take care of him. I wish he lived closer. I just love my Daddy!  The kids were sad to see him leave but Adrienne was a little relieved because that meant she got her bed back. She roomed with me while Daddy took her room. She didn't complain one bit but we all know its always better to be in your own bed. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today my kids played in the same town at different times...which means I was actually able to watch them both play!!! Thats a miracle! Adrienne had a game in Jonesboro at JHS and Brendan had a game at Valley View.  Dad is still here and we went and shopped at Dollar Tree (his favorite store I'm sure) He cracks me up. He was tired so he wasn't able to go to the games.  Brendan is growing so fast he's taller than his big sister but don't mention it to her because she's slightly bitter about it. :)

Monday, January 6, 2014


Apparently I forgot to take a pic today so I will introduce to my Nicks, he is our kitten born Oct 4 and we absolutely adore him..

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Today was a lazy day.. my dad was in town and we stayed up really late the night before. Even the cat was tired...   

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Today is my Dad's birthday and in typical Mac fashion he was late to my house... its ok we had a great time and stayed up at talked until 3am!! Brendan had games all day in Jonesboro and of course Adrienne was still in Fayetteville.
 Brendan and his friend Jason 

Brendan and his dad.. this is the first game he was able to make it to. 

Friday, January 3, 2014


Today I was off work so I took Brendan to Jonesboro for dinner and basketball... A perfect date for us! He loves basketball and do I! We watched our Tech Eagles play Brookland and win with a buzzer beater by Lane Earles it was pretty intense! We then tried Upper Crust Pizza for the first time... It was pretty good! Oh we also had Andy's before the game... Brendan loves ice cream more than anything but we were disappointed they no longer had egg nog milkshakes. :(
This is Brendan and Fred... Bren just loves watching these guys play ball and learn from them!

My attentive date lol

These guys are cousins and this game got intense!

Well Adrienne is in Fayetteville at a basketball tournament and she sent me this pic. These are her teammates, roommates and friends they will have  one more year together and I pray they enjoy it! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Today I made my resolutions.. So I want 2014 to be about me working on me because I think if I don't I probably never will honestly...
So resolution 1 is I'm going to join a gym.. This gym actually... Yes it's right next to a bakery  lol oh the temptation! But I know for health reasons I have to become more active and drop some lbs. I'm not trying to be skinny... I've never been "skinny"... My goals are to be able to run a mile without stopping. To drop a shirt size at least and to go down 2 pants sizes. Of course I would like to drop more than that but it's really for me more about feeling better. I go all the time I would like for it to not feel so exhausting! My daughter  has agreed to get up with me at 5am and go workout every morning. She wants to get in a habit of working out so when high school is over she has a regimen and she knows how badly I need to lose weight.  

Resolution 2 is  I want to start working on planning and organizing more . I make lists all the time and rarely follow through . As a single mom with 4 kids. Organization needs to be a higher priority. I have to  make meal plans and grocery lists. I have to write stuff down in my calendar. 

Resolution 3. Start blogging more!!! Yay!! I feel so much better when I put my thoughts down in front of me. I have so many... So many changes and things happening. I really enjoyed going back and reading my old blogs. I won't lie it hurt and it was hard to read and realize how much things have changed but it made me see that I missed it! 

Resolution 4... To purposely love people... I've withdrawn from that so much. As a matter of fact I've done the opposite of love I've simply shut down over the past few years. Fear has created this wall that has pushed people away and shut them out of my life leaving me feeling very alone. I don't necessarily want a relationship but I certainly don't want to be alone. It makes sense in my head although I'm sure it doesn't to anyone else. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I know I know... I haven't blogged in 2 years and no one will really read this but it's for me not anyone else so... I'm going  to try this and I'm sure I'll fail at times but here's goes...
This was our New Years meal. I don't make fried chicken very often (it's been years!) but I thought what the heck... My kids LOVE it! No one but Brendan and myself ate peas . Alyssa (Jere's gf), Brendan and I ate cabbage. Justin wasn't home so he is pretty mad. I hope you had a wonderful start to 2014.