Monday, September 29, 2008


Well after waiting what seemed like months but was probably just a few weeks...we finally saw the movie Fireproof. It was an amazing movie and if you are married you should go watch it. Actually if you are breathing you should go watch it! I can honestly say though I go more from the sermon at church that morning than I did from the movie well spiritually that is. Don't get me wrong the movie was everything I hoped for but God really spoke to me during the message Sunday morning and softened my heart ALOT. I realized I really have got to turn from what I knew and learn God's way mostly b/c well its God's way duh but also b/c what I know...what I've seen doesn't work. It's never worked and unfortunately my mother has 2 divorces to prove it. Now let me clarify I'm not downing my mom I know she was not the faulty party in her broken marriages and I'm sorry if I made it sound like that. I'm just saying you know what you see and actions beat words anyday of the week. You can teach your children with your mouth but they are going to do what they see. I don't want my kids growing up to be needy of anything. I want them to be "healthy" well balanced children. I also learned giving my husband respect will not lessen me or what I do in turn it will actually strengthen me. My husband works really hard to support this family and studies really hard in school to make our life better and I am really proud of him. He has a full plate and doesn't complain as much as one might think. He also maintains a pretty high GPA in the process. I am so thankful to God for transforming his life. It amazes me how God works. I remember after Amelia passed away and Rick was so wonderful during it all thinking wow God thanks for showing me the Rick I knew was in there all along. Weeks later of course I was wondering where that guy went. The whole time God assuring me he was still in there. I felt like God was saying Hang on or your gonna miss the good part! I'm glad I held on b/c its starting to get good!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pretty awesome weekend!

Well yesterday I picked up Jeremy and Brendan and we headed to the movie store to pick up a couple movies. We then went to Wal Mart to get popcorn and candy b/c you can't have movie night at our house without those things. We also picked up a frozen pizza for dinner w/ some extra cheese. Adrienne went home with a friend and of course Justin is gone on his mission trip so I decided to try to make it a fun night with Jere and Bren. We rented Speed Racer and Leatherheads. We didn't start the movies til around 7:30 because Jere got a new game with his birthday money and wanted some time to play it for a while. Every Friday Bren says I'm goin to stay up to see my daddy when he gets off work. Rick gets off work at 12 and gets home around 12:15 or 12:20. Since school has started Bren has never made it. Actually neither Bren nor Jere made it through Leatherheads much less Rick getting home. I was okay with that b/c Leatherheads wasnt a great movie for kids. It really wasn't that great a movie for adults. It was kinda blah. Speaking of movies our church is going to see Fireproof Sunday evening and let me tell you Rick and I are pumped! We have been waiting to see that movie since we heard about it. Today we spent the day at the Emerson Family Picnic. Its our 4th picnic and our kids love it. It was a little different w/o Justin this year. You would think with 4 kids if 1 was missing you wouldn't notice but I DO! Alli Vaughn went with us again this year. I will post a couple pics it was a really great day. I'm exhausted and Rick is snoozing in the big chair beside me but it was worth it! Oh let me not forget today was Bren's first soccer game...he missed his soccer game last weekend b/c of Six Flags which I don't think I've posted about I know I'm a little behind. We played 2 of Bren's former teammates...he was kinda nervous. We won 6-1 maybe 5-1 Bren had an assist and a goal. He plays soccer like a mini adult and its so fun to watch him. He really becomes the captain of the team. He coaches the kids while he's on the field and he's usually the youngest kid on the team but it's very amusing to watch b/c they actually listen! He's not the tallest, fastest or strongest...but he is for sure the smartest soccer player out there. He really has a sense of what he's supposed to do on the soccer field. I know I'm bragging but hey it's my blog I can do that! LOL Well I will leave you with some pics of our weekend. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Busy busy busy!

Well I haven't had time to really sit down and post and when I did I had to post about my boys turning 14 which I haven't quite adjusted to as of yet. Justin just left on his mission trip :( w/o me! I don't know what makes me more upset he's goin to be there w/o us or he's going to be there w/o US!!! Adrienne and I both wanted to go soooo bad. Anyway a week or so ago a friend of mines daughter had a pretty big deal surgery. Well it just so happens to be someone very close to Adrienne and her brother is Adrienne's best friend. They are honestly more like brother and sister. Well in August we decided to make Mal a build a bear to give to her when she went into the hospital so thats what we did. She is home now and I believe she's getting her strength back. I know I had fun watching them build this bear I hope you enjoy! Glad your better Mal We love you!

Blake refused to wash the monkey! Adrienne said fine just push the pedal he agreed.
Below you can he also refused to dress the monkey...and again Adrienne came up with the solution ...fine just hold her then!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I can't believe that these lil babies are 14 years old! They were the sweetest babies. God truly blessed me with good children. Double Trouble was never an issue for me. I miss those days when I could dress them alike. Justin and Jeremy showed me how to love unconditionally at the ripe old age of 17. If I could do it again...I would do it the same. They are amazing boys and will make amazing intelligent men. I miss those days when I could hold them but I'm excited to see them grow. Justin still kisses me good night and gives me hugs. Jeremy will still tell me he loves me in front of his friends. They fight like cats and dogs but still need to be around each other. They are best friends. Its funny how different they are and how much they are the same. They are the most understanding kids I've ever met. Jeremy's favorite pasttime is reading or playing video games. Justin's favorite is listening to music and hanging with his friends. They both love to laugh.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well let me just start with there is really nothing better (sarcasm) than waking up on a Sunday morning feeling like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. The wind was howling this morning and it felt like any minute the house could be picked up and toted off. Me being the paranoid mother couldn't go back to sleep after hearing it all so I've been running on very little sleep all day. We got up and went to church even though we didn't have electricity when we left. Might as well be doing something productive and I'm really glad I did. I was so blessed today with my kids. Some days they just touch my heart more than others. I mean they are always a blessing its just somedays I realize how greatful I am to have them in my life. I'm glad we decided to go to church this morning in spite of the weather. Of course when we got home our electricity was back on thanks to the hard working folks at PLWC. Well its 10 and I'm exhausted so I'll end for now.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jury Duty and everything else

Well thankfully I only had to report for jury duty on Monday. I know I sound like a complainer but I just don't have time for it right now. I have however always wanted to serve on a jury I think I'm pretty good at being fair unless it was a criminal act against a child. I do have to report on Tuesday possibly. We shall see. I was listening to Air1 and the DJ mentioned something about trying not to complain for 21 days. She said she was wearing a rubber bracelet and everytime she complained she had to switch hands and start all over with the 21 days. I've given it alot of thought and I've been very grouchy this past week. Not to mention just today in Wal Mart with my husband and 2 of my kids I wouldn't have been able to shop for switching my bracelet back and forth. As if I could shop anyway with the 25000 people in there doing the same thing as me. (Ha I'm complaining again)I am however going to take a mental note of my complaining and try to stop well slow down at least. Its not anyone else's fault that I'm stressed. My philosphy is there is a wrong way and my way. It sometimes makes for some very interesting days around here. It certainly makes me more stressed when things are done the "wrong" way. I'm praying for God to show me when I'm doing this and he has been. Well I need to wrap this up we have family night tonight and I gotta get some more stuff done. Just and Jere are gone with friends. Adrienne and Brendan are each in their rooms watching TV probably the same show on 2 different TV's and my wonderful husband is in there unpacking all the groceries b/c thats how we do it. I put them in the cart. I take them out and put them on the conveyor belt. I load them back and then help put them in the van. He unloads and unpacks them when we get home. Well he's done now and has test to take. Enjoy my ramblings. Adios!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Summit and Matt

Well first off let me start with I'm new to the whole Summit thing at church. I just started attending last month. It's a once a month thing for our church. Oh I went when it was at Walcott Park too but that was not entirely the same as the regular Summits. Last night there was a guest speaker named Matt Maestas from De Soto, KS. We met Matt when we were there for a mission trip this summer. He is married to Jessica. They are a wonderful couple. They are planting a church in De Soto KS and he was talking about that last night. He really spoke to our heart about praying God's will for our lives and given the recent turn of events things I've prayed for I realized that if God is going to a mighty work in my husbands life that may mean a sacrifice for me and our family. I have got to be a willing participant in this. Well after Matt finishes talking Pastor Charles comes up and invites us to pray before taking the Lord's Supper. I wont lie when my husband urged us all to go up as a family I was terrified he was going to say God is leading him to move to De Soto KS and help with this church plant. I know what I said earlier I've got to be a willing participant and I remembered how much everyone just loveeeeeddd Kansas when we went but lets be realistic here. Of course if my husband had said that I would have supported him. Oh don't get me wrong I had an amazinggg time in Kansas it was a blessing. Its not somewhere I want to live though...right now. He didn't say that though but it did make me realize there is a possibility God may move us ...geographically... and I gotta be ready for it. Rick is steadily praying and listening and if God says move we are moving but until then we will be content spreading God's love throughout Southside and the city of Paragould. Great things are happening in this house. Rick is on Day 10 of being Smoke Free Praise GOD! We are all fighting this weather change cold thing and thats getting us down a little but we will be okay in a week or two...maybe three. My voice is going in and out so that's pretty funny. I'll leave you with this I was listening to Jesse Duplantis the other night and he quoted his wife Cathy I think thats her name. She said When you push yourself to the limits you will find you have none. I believe that. I hope all this rambling made a little sense I probably shouldn't be typing with the little sleep I'm running on mixed with the head and chest cold. I'm off to jury duty...I hope for the sake of the people in court I'm not picked but we shall see.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bring the Rain

Bring The Rain LyricsArtist(Band):MercyMe
I can count a million timesPeople asking me how ICan praise You with all that I've gone throughThe question just amazes meCan circumstances possiblyChange who I forever am in YouMaybe since my life was changedLong before these rainy daysIt's never really ever crossed my mindTo turn my back on you, oh LordMy only shelter from the stormBut instead I draw closer through these timesSo I prayBring me joy, bring me peaceBring the chance to be freeBring me anything that brings You glory And I know there'll be days When this life brings me painBut if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus, bring the rainI am yours regardless of the clouds that may loom above because you are much greater than my pain you who made a way for me suffering your destiny so tell me whats a little rain [1st Chorus]Holy, holy, holyHoly, holy, holyis the lord God almightyis the lord God almightyI'm forever singing [2nd Chorus 2x]everybody singing Holy holy holyyou are holy you are holy [2nd Chorus 2x]

This song really touches my heart. I have dealt with so many things in my 31 years of life all of which have brought me closer to God and I understand that many people pull away from him during these struggles and it saddens my heart to know that. Praising God in the storm only makes the mountains seem more victorious and not so far away. I know in my heart God has held my hand through every struggle I've had. I've seen Him guide me through the days when I didn't even want to get out of bed and gently nudge me when I didn't want to do the things that I had to do. He is my Father and has guided me accordingly. He has gotten me to a place of deeper understanding of His will in my life. I have never been so excited/anxious/nervous/scared for where God is leading my family....and the very idea that this all came about because I listened and prayed His Will for my family and my husband it makes it all the better. Obedience isn't my strong suit as they say....but My Father led me through it every step of the way just like a father would his small child learning to walk. For the record I don't think God answered my prayer because I'm just that good. I think I was just the key to unlocking His Will for my family. Prayer is powerful more powerful than any financial or physical thing you can do for someone. I don't like the term all we can do is pray because honestly the first thing we should do is pray and listen and see that he answers everyone. Just like a father...he always answers its just not always how we want it answered. Well I went a little off from what I was meaning to blog about but I was really typing from my heart so I'll just leave it. Enjoy!

This is

Saturday, September 6, 2008

This is Jere during our Bible/prayer time and even though he's got his arms crossed he has his Tech Jr Band shirt on. He gets to actually play at some Jr High games this year and I'm so excited. He is also talking about being a runner for the Sr High band. I love the band program at Tech and I am very glad Jere wants to be a part of it. Again you can see Bren running from the pic...he doesn't do pics in the morning. Oh well maybe next time.
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Ok so this is during our morning Bible/prayer time and for one I just thought it was really cute that Justin and Adrienne were actaully sitting together without fighting and two its Green and Gold day. Adrienne is trying to get the black nail polish off her nails from the day before. My kids love their school even if we have a laughing stock football team. I have many pics of them on Green and Gold day of past years.
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Thursday was Mourning Day? Of course considering the school and Techs lack of ability to score in football I'm not real sure who we were supposed to be mourning. If you are wondering why I only take pics of Adrienne the answer is easy. She's the only one interested in dressing up for these things. That girl has more school spirit than a cheerleader. Her fingernails and toenails are even painted black! NO LIE.! Bren did dress in his p.j.s this day for the primary's spirit week but he doesn't do pics this early in the morning.
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Spirit Week

Wednesday was the first day the intermediate started with Spirit week and it was Outsmart the Rams week so they dressed up as Genuises...I guess nerds wasn't politically this is what Adrienne wore. I think she looks cute but of course she and everyone else thought she looked like a librarian.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Weekend!

Well it started off Friday night in the E.R. with Brendan. Let me tell you I lost all respect for that place that night. They will be getting a letter from me! He was fine except now he has a blackish blueish thumb. It's not very attractive. So we get home around 11:30 after hitting the drive thru at McDonald's for dinner...if you can still call it dinner at 11:30 at night. Rick ate and smoked his last cigarette. PRAISE GOD! We get up Saturday very reluctantly and run some errands walk around Wal-Mart for wayyy too long. We started family night back up and played games and read books. Jere won 1million dollars...He is smarter than a 5th grader! Sunday was a big day I was baptized during the 9:30 service it was great one of my friends that doesn't go to my church came to watch. Justin was baptized at the 11o clock service it was the most amusing baptism I've ever witnessed. He made me proud....never a dull moment with Just. We had our cell group later that night where we got to learn about what kind of people we are and the "BEST QUESTION EVER?" Monday we got up and went to the Redbird game in Memphis with the church youth group. It was so fun getting to know the kids our youth group. Oh the Redbirds won too! Not to mention I won $50 Redbird bucks so that was pretty sweet. We had dinner at the Pizza Inn and let me tell you those ladies and guy was on their toes. The food was awesome as well as the service...and considering there was roughly 60 people on our trip that wasn't an easy task. We got home Monday night around 7 and we were wore out! I had an amazing long weekend with my family and church family. This week is Spirit Week as our school prepares to play its season opener against our in town rivals...THE RAMS lol. Its alway fun because Adrienne usually goes all she dressed as a genius she looked pretty cute...Ill post pics later when I get a free moment.

Monday, September 1, 2008

So Rick and Adrienne were outside doing yardwork Saturday night and they came across this in between 2 trees on our property line. Its huge!
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